Creative Design

Creation of the Creative Covers of aviNews, porciNews and nutriNews.

In the competitive world of agri-livestock communication, capturing the attention of veterinarians, technicians and farmers from the first glance is crucial. The covers of aviNews, porciNews and nutriNews not only inform, but also inspire and motivate. Our creation process combines specialized research, creative design and visual SEO techniques to ensure maximum relevance and appeal.

Research and Conceptualization

The first step is a thorough investigation of current trends in the poultry, swine and animal nutrition sectors. We analyze the most relevant news, recent research and technological advances. These meetings with our editorial teams and industry experts allow us to identify the most impactful topics for our readers. We use SEO techniques to identify keywords and trending topics that should be reflected on our front pages.

Design and Creativity

With a clear concept, our design team begins to create sketches. We carefully select images, colors and typography that not only reflect the central theme of the edition, but also optimize the cover for search engines and social networks. For aviNews, we highlight innovation and sustainability in the poultry industry with images of modern poultry houses and emerging technologies. In porciNews, the front pages focus on pig breeding and health, using images of farmers in their working environment. In nutriNews, the covers illustrate innovative ingredients and diets with high quality images of healthy animals.

Review and Refinement

Each cover is designed not only to inform, but also to capture the attention of veterinarians, technicians and farmers, reflecting the quality and relevance of our content. This approach ensures that our publications remain a reference in the agricultural and livestock sector.





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